

People with varying degrees of responsibility:

Convenor: Anna Hepworth.
Treasurer: Elaine Walker
Secretary: Linda Deegan
Gaming: Calum Watson
Programming: David Cake.
Marketing & Advertising: Grant Watson
Web dude: Michael Deegan.
Academic stream: Sonia Marcon
Committee Members: Art Diggle, Davina Watson, Jenny Kelly, Peter Kelly, Craig Greenbank.

You can email us at

For those wanting to snail-mail us: C/O Linda Deegan, PO Box 555, Inglewood, WA 6932.

Like most other committees, we're also looking for volunteers. C'mon, you know you want to.
We are especially looking for people willing to help out for a few hours during the convention.


Continuing updates can be obtained by subscribing to the Swancon Mailing list, watching/joining the Swancon Livejournal community or sending us your postal details for us to send you progress reports.